Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Holy Brit!

The Washington Post is reporting that Fox News Washington Managing Editor Brit Hume is retiring, or at least semi-retiring. He will stepping down from "Special Report," but is "near a deal to continue with Fox in a senior-statesman role, not unlike that of NBC's Tom Brokaw, for roughly 100 days a year. Hume would be a senior political analyst, anchor for special events,
panelist on "Fox News Sunday" and occasional substitute for the host, Chris Wallace." Media analyst Howard Kurtz, a CNN host when he isn't writing for the WaPo, gets in a dig at Hume, who he says was "a former ABC White House correspondent who has never hidden his conservative views . . ." Yes, Hume is famously conservative, but probably only famously because that is so rare among the media. Hume was actually also famously known for being the fairest of D.C. reporters, even in the Clinton White House. "Special Report" is one of the best, if not the best, news and analysis programs on television, with most of that credit going to Hume himself. Fox News will have a difficult time replacing him.

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